Wall Street App





The Wall Street app was created to allow Netflix employees to update their monthly stock allocation. As stock programs can be complicated, I wanted to design a solution that was easy to use and understand.

Design Objectives

  • Display information that employees care about most such as their salary adjustment and monthly allocation
  • Give the user an input field and a slider to either specify a number or explore how allocation amounts effect their salary

UI Assessment - Design Decisions

A. Total Allocation: This field can be inputted with an amount the user wants to allocate. This number will auto update the slider and recalculate 'Monthly Allocation' and 'Adjusted Salary'.

B. Allocation Slider: The user can freely adjust the slider to preview how it effects 'Monthly Allocation' and 'Adjusted Salary'.

C. Allocation and Salary Amounts: 'Company Grant' and 'Base Salary' stay fixed while 'Monthly Allocation' and 'Adjusted Salary' change based on the inputted value.

D. In-app Reminder: Alert to remind the user how many days they have left to update their allocation.

Logo Mockup

I drew inspiration from the bull and bear motifs related to the stock market.
For size purposes, I chose to only use the bull.